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Our Team

The Industry’s Leading Loan Sale Experts

Founded in 1989, First Financial Network was instrumental in developing the loan sale industry. With an average executive tenure of twenty-seven years, we pioneer solutions that minimize risk, maximize value and help our clients proactively manage their loan portfolios. Our longevity, reputation and repeat business are a testament to our ability to execute successful sales.

Contact Us

Loan Sale Experts

Team Members

Ann Coleson

Senior Financial Data Analyst

Boyan Ganchev

Senior Financial Analyst

Stephen Hall

Senior Systems Engineer

Todd Pannell

Closing Manager

Lorie Pierce

Senior Underwriting Manager | Paralegal

Olivia Smith

Marketing Coordinator

Cathey Taylor

Investor Relations Manager



Loans Valued


  • 28


    Executive Tenure

  • $7.2


    Loans Sold


  • 96%


    Loan Sale Closing Rate

Decades of Loan Sale Advising

Above everything, FFN puts people first. Our approach is rooted in our commitment to our clients, our team, and our other relationships in the market. The success of First Financial Network comes from an unyielding focus on excellence and intentional collaboration with our clients and community partners.

We not only know this industry-we created it.

Our Story

Join the Loan Sale Network™

Our platform provides access to the latest loan sales in the market and leads the industry in strategic loan sales.